At home with Charlotte Broekaert

Hi, Charlotte! It’s great to have you join us on the journal today. Let’s get things started - Please introduce yourself alongside a photo.
This is me in my all-time favorite city, London, and my go-to drink: an iced latte. London is the city where I found my passion for fashion marketing & PR. I went to Conde Nast College here and fell in love with the aesthetic of the city. London was also the first city where I got introduced to vintage shopping/sourcing. I found a few spots in Notting Hill with the best vintage items, and I still own the pieces to this day.
Your Instagram account has introduced us to so much unique homeware. How do you find such special spaces and pieces?
I love to roam around design and vintage markets to find the most unique pieces. I love the idea of combining vintage with modern, that’s why you will find a lot of “modern” pieces in my interior that are actually vintage.
How would you describe your own, personal interior style?
I would describe my home as a very pop-style home that meets classic. I try to keep the colour of my interior as clean as possible, and spice it up with colous in artworks / coffee table books. Lately, I am shifting in my own interior style to a cleaner Scandinavian style. I am moving in a few months, so you will see this new interior style in the apartment I'll be moving to in September.
If you could sum up the vibe of your dream home in three words, what would they be?
I’ve always been in love with homes with old elements, high ceilings, herringbone parquet, marble chimneys and big windows. An appartment in a Townhouse is the dream (Like the white beautiful town houses in London or the typical Green Village town houses in New York). If I could have a home with old elements I would use modern interior style to break the two styles.
Fill in the blank: No home is complete without:
A Good coffeemachine and my french bulldog George ;)
If you could invite anyone into your home for a coffee, who would it be and why?
I could never invite one person, I’d host a beautiful decorated coffee party with female entrepeneurs. I’ve always wanted to meet: Matilda Djerf of Djerf Avenue, Cathrine Marie Urhammer of Load Creatives, Julia Rabinowitsch of The Millennial Decorator and the whole cast of Sex And The City. So maybe the coffee thing would turn into a champagne party who knows..
Finally! What are your predictions for the interior trends we are going to be seeing throughout 2024?
I think the vintage trend will stay. I've noticed it myself. Two years ago, when I first went to the Design Market, it wasn't as crowded as it is now. And I believe that in our generation, there will be an upsurge in interest in art. I think we will start investing more in art than in interior pieces.