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A coffee with Ariella Hill

A coffee with Ariella Hill

Can you start by introducing yourself?

Hi hi, I'm Ariella Hill, devoted to flowers and the proud mother of Rae, a little floral art studio based in the Netherlands. 

Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?

I feel like I was a really lucky one, I grew up in Byron Bay, Australia. Constantly out rolling in the grass or playing in the sea. I still feel very lucky I am now currently living in Amsterdam, still playing with nature but just in a different kind of way. 

You’ve founded your own flower business, Rae Blooms. Was starting your own business always part of your dream?

Definitely. It was a big thing for me. I have always had a clear idea of what I wanted to make in terms of flowers. I think my old bosses may have found it a little challenging working with me at times because I had such strong opinions on how I wanted an arrangement to look or what I felt was nice. In saying that I was super lucky to also have bosses who allowed me space to experiment and that trusted me but I still always knew I would end up working for myself

Can you share more about Rae Blooms and its core values?

Rae has a little mind of its own in a way. It grows and shapes itself. Its making large natural landscapes, structural flower sculptures, small custom bouquets and avant garde workshops. The core is blooms and working with them to create something new and that challenges me. 

How did the idea for Rae Blooms come about, and what keeps you inspired each day?

It was really natural, I had been already working in the flower industry for nearly a decade. I think once I decided I would stay in Amsterdam it made sense to start my own thing. 

Ohh maybe not the right thing to say but I'm not inspired everyday. It comes in waves. Somedays can be really hard. Doesn't mean I dont still make arrangements or that I stop working but it's not always coming from a place of strong inspiration. I think we are expected to be on all the time but for me allowing myself not to feel perfect all the time gives me more space when I do feel inspired. 

What's a typical day like for you running Rae Blooms?

I think actually what I really love about Rae is that there is no typical day. Some days you're on site and it's go go go and others are the reserse slow mornings but I guess the thing that stays constant is flowers, coffee and very early mornings.

Do you have any role models or mentors who have influenced your journey?

Ohhh I have worked with so many amazing people over the years wh have all played a very big part in where I am now. A big one for me was the most amazing woman ever, Gaye. She worked with me at my first proper job. She knew a lot more than I did and I'm still super grateful for all the hours in the shop just the two of us. Discussing everything flower. She was a big pillar for me back then and I'm really lucky to still have her in my life. 

What's the best piece of advice, either personal or professional, that you've ever received?

So much good advice out there but I really like if you make something for yourself that you really love, you will be successful. It's important to create something that is close to you. That will be what makes you happy in the end both in your personal and professional life. 

Can you share a memorable experience or a milestone from your journey with Rae Blooms?

A big one for me was doing my first job in Cannes, felt super excited to be working by the ocean in another country. This is normally the job that comes to mind first. Though I've been thinking about this question a lot lately and I think if I look back on my time, my happiest moments with Rae have been the quiet ones when I'm working on something in the shop. I find a lot of joy creating something on my own, on my table, I've had so many days there listening to music just playing around. 

We can't let you go without asking one of our favorite questions here at Lepelclub... How do you take your coffee?

Normally I'm a flat white girl but lately with the warm weather I find myself leaning more and more towards an iced long black.  

And finally, what are your plans and hopes for the future of Rae Blooms?

I have a few cheeky little ideas in the works but the main reason I started Rae was really to play with flowers. If I can continue to work in the same way I'm going I will be forever happy.