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A slice of cake with Dee

A slice of cake with Dee

Hi Dee! Welcome to the Lepelclub journal. We’re so happy to have you here!
I’m Dee founder of confectionery studio Dee’s Basement specialising in a variety of dessert creations using  a combination of nostalgic desserts, Korean aesthetics and modern designs.

Please tell us a little more about yourself, and a little more about your business - Dee’s Basement.
I initially started Dee’s Basement as an end of year university project but continued to pursue the business after graduating whilst working in the food industry as a pastry chef. The pandemic caused me to be made redundant and so went full time with the business and 3 years on the business has continued to go from strength to strength. 

Can you tell us the story behind the name?
I wanted a name that was personal to me and included my nickname (full name is Adeola) in some way. I wanted something that would signify my own space and one of my sister suggested basement and I thought it was cool and different. 

When did you first discover your passion for baking and decorating?
Very early around 5. I was always baking with my mum creating traditional cakes such as madeira and carrot cakes. I also grew up watching a lot of cookery shows such as Ready Steady Cook and Barefoot Contessa. I always knew I wanted to work in the food industry but as I got older I focused on cakes and desserts and would make cakes for my family and friends.

You’ve crafted your own, very unique aesthetic for your bakes. From where do you take inspiration for your own designs?
It’s a mix of nostalgic desserts and designs with Korean/Japanese clean aesthetics and put my own modern twists on that to create my own unique style.

You’ve worked with some really fun brands and creators. What’s your favourite thing about these collaborations?
That every job is different. Some can be different design on madeleines or something completely custom and bespoke like olive oil cakes which we don’t normally offer. It makes every order exciting. 

What pie can we wake you up for at night?
A good apple pie but truthfully I’d eat pretty much just the pastry. I also love a meringue pie like Lemon Meringue.

If you could share a slice of cake with three people, who would you pick and why?
Ina Garten - would love to get her feedback on my desserts and talk all things food

Denzel Washington - He’s one of my favourite actors and feel I would learn a lot from him

Ainsley Harriot - He’s been a big inspiration to me and would definitely bring the laughs.

And finally, how do you hope to stir things up in the future?
Launch workshops to bring my creations to people so they can recreate them and learn new skills. Also looking to make Dee’s Basement more accessible to the public with pop ups.