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A coffee with Jen Batchelor

A coffee with Jen Batchelor

Hi Jen, welcome to the Lepelclub journal. We’re so happy to have you here with us! First thing’s first, can you tell us a little more about yourself?
Hi! Thank you for having me, big fan of Lepelclub. I’m Jen Batchelor, a mother, a celebration enthusiast, a feel-goods formulator, and co-founder of Kin Euphorics. 

You’ve founded your own brand, Kin Euphorics. Can you tell us more about your brand?
Kin is a connector of the conscious. Our intent to is drive change in the ways we revel as a community. I’ve been able to bring my personal expertise (and that of my conspirit-ors) across a number of healing verticals: Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, psychology, neuroscience, hormone health, and circadian rhythms to concoct a range of tonics (social and solo) that would be the response to a long-unanswered need. 

Kin was created as a functional beverage dressed to party. Each drink is designed to offer an entourage effect, one where the result is greater than sum of its parts, using natural ingredients that nourish the mind and body. At the end of the day, it’s a choice that feels good — an opportunity to create communion over shared drinks and interests without sacrificing your mind, heart, skin, endocrine system, or your personal integrity.

Could you share more about the journey from having a dream to deliver a new way of relating to actually founding Kin Euphorics?
Leading up to my 30th birthday I was taking an audit of the things that I was doing, things that I was putting in my body, and how I was feeling because of them. I didn't want to be at net neutral every morning, I wanted to actually continue to see progress in my life. And I just started being addicted to that feeling of being on top of my personal well-being and not having to say no to things, just continuing to feel energy and give energy. I started mixing potions in my kitchen, and one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I was working with a team out of a lab in Seattle, seeking the right balance of adaptogens, botanics, and nootropics to elicit a feeling of health as we were achieving it for ourselves. We ended up formulating  “High Rhode”— Kin’s very first bottled mood-boosting spirit backed, with the help of one of the top nutraceutical firms in the world, and the rest was history! 

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable moment or success story in Kin's journey that encapsulates the impact you aspire to make in the world?
When we formally launched in 2018, a Vogue article went live that really sparked an overwhelming groundswell of interest. We knew immediately we’d struck a nerve, and that Kin was something incredibly special the world wasn’t just vibing with but experiencing as a sustainable solution in their lives. It was a gamechanger then but what followed was even more miraculous to us.

Once we saw a slew of other brands following in our footsteps, we knew there was longevity here. We were so thrilled to see the category begin to take form, blossom, and truly be validated by the friends and peers around us launching unique offerings for these deserving drinkers. To this day, we stand together proving there’s a different way to do this thing called fun and we can all put our own spin on it because there's an insatiable thirst for these more conscious options and these tasty, delicious, beautiful, sophisticated sips.

I think the spirit of collaboration is inherent to this category and makes it really stand out amongst other food and drink verticals in that way. The best NA bev founders I’ve met along the way are truly mission driven. They’re not just here for a cash grab, they really care about serving their guest and that’s where the real magic comes from!

Here at Lepelclub, we love to relax either with a coffee or a cocktail. When you’re not working, how do you like to unwind?
A sip of Kin really allows me to ease into the present moment. My two babies and my family are my whole world and giving them the attention and love they deserve is my number 1 priority. When they’re at peace, I can finally rest easy, kick my feet up and read a book bit by bit, or play in my garden, get my feet in the earth in some way to recharge and keep dancing.

What’s been the most challenging part of starting your own business, and what’s been the most rewarding? 
Personally, my biggest challenge has been managing, hiring, and ultimately having to let good people go. As a leader I would keep everyone forever, but sometimes that’s not in best interest of the business and making those decisions can be really tough. At the same time, being able to build and refine your team is one of the biggest blessings. I still love everybody that's come through these doors, and consider my team family. When my team feels supported in every aspect of the business, and that includes making sure everyone is showing up and bringing their A-game, then they know not only do I have their back but we all want each other to win and have fun. In the end, we’re all in this together and that’s what make us Kin!

What’s the best piece of advice, personal or professional, you’ve ever received?
My favorite word of “advice” or spiritual wisdom comes from the Gita. The essence of what is taught through Arjuna’s journey by Krishna is to “know thyself, then perform action”.  The most important thing to have is a sense of self-awareness – keep your blinders on, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Keep your side of the street clean, welcoming, energetically pure. 

You’re here to offer something totally unique, signature to your experience, your DNA, so do that thing doggedly and unattached to the outcome itself. What moves your heart comes from the spirit, don’t ever taint that with the curse of comparison or yard sticks that mean nothing in the sum accounting of life. You do you, with a pure heart and the rest will work itself out.

Lastly, how do you hope to inspire others through Kin Euphorics, and what message would you like to leave with those who are exploring your brand and mission?
Our prayer has always been to leave people better than we found them. What a gift to bliss up someone’s life, whether that’s through a fortified mindset, richer relationships, or literally an improved physiology, deeper sleep, heart rate variability, etc.

To help our guests reimagine their rituals and take a more celebratory approach to health and wellness through conscious connection and feel-good revelry is the way. That they are making life-changing upgrades on the daily is a byproduct of that approach. But it’s your choice. Kin exists so you have the agency to feel how you want to feel moment to moment.

If you come to Kin to get away from the toxic habits, people, mindsets that are holding you back, you’ve come to the right place. Always remember, “sobriety” is a spectrum and means something different to everyone, be tender with yourself. Bliss is your birthright so stop comparing your journey to that of your neighbor and just get in where you fit in! “There’s boldness in beginnings” Just start.