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At Home With Natascha Kruse @nataschakruse

At Home With Natascha Kruse @nataschakruse
Who is Natascha?
I’m 24 years old and just finished my masters in finance and accounting from Copenhagen Business School. After the summer I will start full time as a consultant at KPMG Denmark in Deal advisory working with financial due diligence.

I’m my free time I love to spent time with friends, family and my dog Mynte. 

What is your morning routine? 
I love to sleep in, so my morning routine is really short (what I won’t do for 5 more minutes of sleep). Other then that I wake up at 7:30, jump in the shower, put on some light make up, walk Mynte and get on my bike to go to work. My team eats lunch early so I usually skip breakfast and have a banana and a coffee at work.

What is your favorite place in your house?
Honestly I love my hole apartment, so it’s hard to choose a favorite place. I think it really depends on what I’m doing. For example on slow weekend mornings I love to soak up the sun on my balcony with a coffee. But I also really love to bake so I spent a lot of time in my kitchen while listening to music and dancing like no one is watching.

What is your favorite holiday destination? 
Favorite destination would have to depend on the type of trip but for summer vacation my favorite thing is to go sailing. The location actually don’t matter that much but days spent on the water are just magical. It allows me to completely unplug and just be present in the moment.

Any plans for this summer?
Since this is my last summer before my real full time life start I’m taking as much vacation as possible. First I’m going to London on a shopping trip, southern France with a friend, and to Oslo to visit and friend. Finally I’m going to Montreal in Canada to visit an old friend that I haven’t seen in years and then sailing on the Amalfi Cost. Beside all my travels I really hope to have a summer filled with good friends and sunshine.

How do you stir things up?
With my interior I like to keep bigger items in neutral colors like white, grey or earthy colors and then add a slash of color in smaller decor stuff that is easy and cheaper to replace if I get board or want to change things ups bit. This can be pillows, posters etc.