A coffee with Nikki Gal

Hello Lepelclub journal! My name is Nikki Gal, I am a multifaceted woman who wears many hats! I am originally from Massachusetts and fostered big dreams growing up. I started my professional career as a model in 2014 at 15 years old, started my life as an entrepreneur in 2019, and launched my mission of mental health advocacy in 2021. Being present in the fashion industry for 11 years, I have had the opportunity to have my modeling work be published in 23 countries and be featured in and on the covers of fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, ELLE, L’Officiel, Glamour, Marie Claire and Grazia. In addition to my work as a fashion model, I have had the privilege to launch 5 creative companies, as well as advocate for women internationally by developing and launching digital media campaigns, art works, nonprofit organizations and podcast platforms pertaining to mental health and women’s wellness. I would say in a nutshell I am an artistic and ambitious woman who loves advocating for the things I believe in and promoting unity within the industries I work in.
You have an impressive list of things you do professionally and at such a young age! Could you please tell us more about it?
Thank you! I believe that as individuals we need to believe we are limitless— it all starts with a dream. At 20 years old I wanted to create more for myself and my life outside of the modeling industry, which motivated me to launch my first company, digital design company See Thru Nikki in 2019. Being an art student in high school, I always had a passion for the arts from a young age but never believed in a million years I would be able to evolve my artistic passion into a business. But, I went after my dreams. Within 3 years of the launch of my digital design company, it gave me the momentum to become inspired to launch 4 more companies including a content consulting company, 2 clothing lines as well as a photography company. It has been such a magical and motivational experience becoming an entrepreneur, as I hold all my companies close to my heart and soul. When you pursue your passions, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Mental health and addressing societal issues are important to you. How do you think these could be addressed in the fashion industry for the better?
With the fashion industry being a rather niche industry that not many individuals are aware of or familiar with, I personally believe it is important to unify individuals working inside the modeling and fashion industries to educate individuals outside of the modeling and fashion industries to become more candidly familiar with the work, the environments, the mental health aspects, as well as the overall experiences that are not seen on a runway or in front of a camera. On my podcast The Model Memo with Nikki Gal which launched in December 2023, I have had the pleasure to candidly speak with 87 international fashion models about their own experiences in the industry, and what they would change about the industry. I believe our voices as individuals are powerful, but even more powerful when spoken as one. I believe creating communities by developing and forming safe spaces will make the fashion and modeling industries a place of more opportunity, diversity, inclusion, education, sustainability, equality, representation, celebration and unity.
If you had to choose from all the projects you have done in the past, what would you say has been the most memorable one and why?
I would say my most memorable project I’ve ever done would be my cover of ELLE Ukraine. I shot the cover and editorial myself, which was one of the biggest and memorable projects I’ve ever done as a model, photographer and creative director.
At Lepelclub, we enjoy unwinding with a coffee or cocktail. How do you like to relax after a busy day at work?
I love spending time with my dog Rex! I got him as a baby at 11 weeks old— he is a Siberian Husky with blue eyes and a lot of energy. I also love drinking water by staying hydrated throughout the day. Fun fact— I drink ginger water! Ginger water specifically has so many health benefits like stimulating digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. I love mixing it with a spoon on the stove — speaking of spoons, I love Lepelclub’s heart spoons, so cute!
Reflecting on your career journey so far, what has been the most unexpected lesson you've learned?
Being adaptable! Working in so many fast paced environments and industries can be a challenge for anyone, as I’ve learned to become more flexible and adaptable in both my professional and personal life.
What's the most valuable piece of advice you want to pass forward to our readers, whether related to work or personal life?
Keep dreaming, continue pursuing your passions, accept and express yourself, and also be kind to the individual standing or sitting next to you.
And finally, how do you hope to stir things up in the future?
I hope to launch more creative projects, meet more individuals that inspire me, and continue my journey in new and innovative ways! Thank you so much for chatting with me, Lepelclub! Nikki xo